The Bolte Bridge – From Every Angle

Those of you who follow me on Instagram and Facebook will know that I recently did a night photography class as I’ve been bombarding you with my practice shots ever since. I’m posting some again for this week’s photo challenge so hope you’ll indulge me just one more time.

This week we’ve been asked to shoot a stationary object From Every Angle. I stumbled across the subject of my series quite by accident one night while driving around the Docklands precinct looking for interesting sites to practice my newly learned night photography techniques. I’d spotted the Bolte Bridge in the distance a couple of times but wasn’t quite sure it was what I was looking for… that is until I drove down a few back streets and on to a pocket of land that landed me right underneath the bridge. It was so close and so beautiful – I couldn’t believe my luck. I jumped straight out of the car, set up the tripod and started shooting. It was only after I’d been there for about ten minutes that I realised how dark and secluded the area was – just me and a few fishermen. I’ve since been told that it was one of the locations used in the filming of the Underbelly series – where the hired hitmen did a different type of shooting. (For non-Australian readers, Underbelly was a Melbourne-based television series based on the true story of two feuding underworld crime families who, between 1995 and 2004, murdered around forty criminal associates, including most members of both families.)

Clearly I survived to tell the tale and post my photos – although I think I’ll take someone with me next time …


  1. Oh Michelle!! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t worry. I’ll be much more careful in future. X


  2. Sandra Barton · · Reply

    Well done again with the photos. Defitinitely take someone next time, you are too precious to have a mishap xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sandra. I will. Xx


  3. I’m happy you’re here to tell the tale and to enjoy your superb photos!
    You can bombard me forever, Michelle. Stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Lucile.


  4. Fantastic shots Michelle. The things we do for art!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true! Thanks Lyn.


  5. Take me!! Michelle these are fab. I’ve always wondered where you go to get under the bridge like that. Awesome. I’m often heading into places unknown on my own to see what shots I can find 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks DJ. I’d be very happy to take you down there. I’m really keen to shoot it with a sunset sky in the background. Just waiting for the right night.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds wonderful!

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